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What are the "fears" of forklift partners?


      Today, under the influence of multiple factors such as the complex and severe international environment and the domestic epidemic situation that has not been cleared, my country's logistics operation efficiency and supply chain response level urgently need to be improved. As the main force of logistics, forklift equipment plays an important role in realizing logistics machinery operation, reducing the labor intensity of manual handling, and improving operation efficiency. Behind it is the hard work of countless industry practitioners.


       So, what are they most worried about and what are they most afraid of? Forklift Network specially visited the technical engineers, forklift drivers and forklift sales managers who have been on the front line all the year round to have an in-depth dialogue and talk about the things that make forklift people "fear"...


       "The engine strikes, and the forklift often stops unexpectedly." "The needs of users cannot be met, and if there is a problem, it will not be solved for a long time." "The appearance is not cool, and the performance cannot meet the needs of complex working conditions!" "High fuel consumption, noise Big, I feel very irritable at work every day."... There are too many things that make forklift people worry and worry...

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